Since the very beginning, we have believed Jesus has more for Omaha…
There’s a divide in this city. A divide between black, brown, and white. A divide between rich and poor. A divide between cultures and languages. But is Jesus divided? Does Jesus show favoritism? Does Jesus only seek and save a certain type of people?
The largest minority group in Omaha is Hispanic, and the second most-spoken language in Omaha is Spanish.
Because the Kingdom of God is both diverse and unified, we started to believe that God could birth a bilingual, multicultural church in Omaha. And, He’s doing it!
It all began with a desire to see Spanish-speakers gather in small groups to study the Bible together. In those groups, God quickly began to produce fruit and transform lives. Before long, what began as a small missional community grew into a dream for more.
We were brought on staff at Citylight Omaha as Church Planting Residents to be trained and equipped as church planters. During that season, God developed us and brought an incredible core team around us to join us in this mission.
We are filled with faith and excited to see God multiply diverse disciples and churches, unified by the gospel of Jesus.
Here’s what we’re asking God to form us into:
a church who gathers to worship Jesus on Sundays and scatters throughout the week as a people with a purpose, a family to belong to.
a church where English and Spanish speakers sit side by side, worshipping Jesus as a family.
a church where the natural barrier caused by different languages and cultures is shattered by the gospel of Jesus.
a church that is made up of people who come from different cultures and speak different languages, but who love and serve each other because we have been loved by Jesus.
a church that intentionally sends out leaders to tell more people about Jesus both in the United States and into the rest of the world.
a church where international students, refugees, and exiles meet Jesus and return to their native nations to tell their communities about Him.
– Jacob