Training holistic disciples of Jesus
Our Discipleship Community meets Sunday mornings at 9am to grow together as followers of Jesus. These environments are interactive worskshops designed to teach and engage each individual.
Our Discipleship Community is built to be a supplment to, not a replacement of, our weekly City Groups that meet in homes.
Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.” Luke 24:44-45
As we seek to multiply diverse disciples and churches unified by the gospel of Jesus, our vision for equipping the church is simple. We believe that discipleship happens in the context of the local church. Therefore, we seek to create a holistic discipleship pathway for growth in the knowledge of God’s Word and Christlikeness. Here’s how we’ll do it:
Space: We seek to be a church where holistic disciples of Jesus are being made!
Scope: We seek to fulfill the needs of disciples of Jesus!
Sequence: We seek to provide a discipleship pathway so that disciples of Jesus can grow!
Send: We seek to be a church family that trains to send disciples into the mission field!
A gospel-centered
vision for discipleship
Holistic disciples of Jesus are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit within the context of the local Church. From within, we want to create space, fulfill a need, provide a healthy pathway for growth, and prepare to send disciples of Jesus for the fulfillment of the great commission and the glory of God.
The Need to form holistic disciples
Citylight Mosaic Church follows a philosophy of ministry that is birthed by asking the question: “What do disciples of Jesus need?”
In our journey of multiplying diverse disciples and churches, we are providing a space to equip the church, taking into consideration three main topics: Bible, Theology and Doctrine, and Spiritual Disciplines.

What do disciples need? The Bible
The Bible is at the center of the Christian life
At Citylight Mosaic Church, we believe that the Bible is God’s inspired, breathed, authoritative, inerrant, and all-sufficient Word. As highlighted by Paul, the Bible is central to the Christian walk as he argues that all Scripture is breathed by God and profitable for equipping the church (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Holistic disciples of Jesus understand that our path for growth and understanding of the knowledge of God is sustained and preserved by Scripture. The Bible not only informs us, but also transforms us by the power of the Holy Spirit.
What do disciples need? Theology & Doctrine
Theos, means God, and logos, means word. theology = “words about god.” Doctrine are basic christian beliefs
Theology and Doctrine is for everyone. At Citylight Mosaic Church we don’t expect just the spiritual elite to engage in theology and doctrine, we call the church as a whole to participate in knowing God’s Word and basic Christians beliefs. These two go hand in hand when it comes to forming holistic disciples of Jesus and as a family we want to pursue just that.
What do disciples need? Spiritual Discipline
We are being formed by the habits we develop in our daily rhythms
We want to be a church family that is known for not only being hearers of the Word, but also doers. Spiritual Disciplines are the way to contextualize what our minds are consuming through the Bible. Holistic disciples of Jesus need to learn rhythms and habits that will help us live as active participants in the story of God. At Citylight Mosaic we want to do just that, we want to incorporate formative habits that will help us grow both corporately and individually.
FAQ’s available. Should you have additional questions, be sure to contact us.
What is Equipping The Church?
As we pursue to multiply diverse disciples and churches, we desire to equip the church by providing space, fulfilling the needs, and providing a pathway to grow as holistic disciples of Jesus.
Does Equipping the Church have a cost?
No, the spaces we are creating within our local church to grow in the knowledge of God’s Word and Christlikeness is completely free.
What can I expect to learn?
The scope we have for Equipping the Church is quite simple. We want people to explore the beauty of God’s Word, we want to engage in Theology and Doctrine, as well as Spiritual Disciplines. These are the three areas/topics that Equipping the Church will focus on.
Why is this important?
We believe that holistic disciples of Jesus who seek to make holistic disciples of Jesus need more than just a Sunday morning rhythm. We are called to love God with all of our minds (Lk 22:37) and to do so, we have to engage in hearing from God. The church needs more of God, not less.
Is Equipping the Church exclusive to Mosaic members?
No, but we do want to give priority to our members. Should space become an issue, we will review the option of putting a limit on the number of participants.